Scientific Conference
International Scientific Conference “Business Digitalization” 24th April 2018, Kapfenberg AT
We would kindly like to invite you to the International Scientific Conference “Business Digitalization” scheduled on 24th April 2018 at FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences.
Business Digitalization
Due to volatile and fast moving markets, increasing competition as well as more complex products and production, industrial companies are facing increasingly intricate challenges. Experts are talking about the fourth industrial (r)evolution, also called Industry 4.0 (I4.0). I4.0 focuses on an intelligent and transdisciplinary world in which smart factories represent the connection between digital and physical production networks. This development confronts companies with various challenges, in particular the pressure to strongly increase the level of digitalization, to adapt production lines to new technologies or to define the role of humans within new processes.
The international conference “Business Digitalization” addresses this issue and examines different aspects of the subject from a scientific perspective. Therefore, submission is possible for three categories:
- Smart Production: This category covers mainly technological topics regarding digitalization such as BIG DATA, internet of things, cyber physical systems or 3D-printing.
- New Business Models: This category contains research fields such as service engineering, digital disruption or innovation management.
- Human side of Digitalization: Within this category the focus of research is on the employees. This includes topics such as learning 4.0, digital leadership, change management or future of work.
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 January 2018
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2018
Final Paper Submission Deadline: 30 September 2018
Publication Release: Autumn 2018
Extended Abstract:
The extended abstract should be around 4.000 characters including blanks and should cover the initial situation, research question, methodology and final results. The manuscript should be submitted as word file using no specific format. The call is open for theoretical as well as empirical papers. Please also name the category your research fits most.
Conference proceedings:
All accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings titled “Business Digitization – Smart Production, New Business Models and the Human side of Digitization”.
Extended Publication Opportunities:
All accepted and presented abstracts at the Business Digitization 2018 conference will be invited to submit their full paper to be published. Further information will be released within the following weeks.
Conference Fees:
Students: Free
Euroweek Participants: Free
Regular: EUR 100,-
We would be grateful if you could forward this email on to your colleagues who might be interested to join with us at the Business Digitization conference 2018 in Kapfenberg, Austria.
For further details, please send us an email on
Submit your manuscript:
If you do not wish to submit a paper you are very welcome to JOIN AS AN OBSERVER
We look forward to seeing you in Kapfenberg!